Contact Us
I can be contacted by text, email or phone call. See below for the store’s phone numbers, email address and hours of operation:
Landline: (404)505-8944 ( No Text )
Cell phone: (678)592-3970 ( Feel Free To Text )
Monday – 10am – 8pm
Tuesday – Closed
Wednesday – Closed
Thursday – 10am – 8pm
Friday – 10am – 8pm
Saturday – 10am – 8pm
Sunday – 12am – 7pm
About Us
IPOP17, IMPERFECT PIECES OF PERFECTION17 is my dream that has taken 17 years, to become reality. I have always dreamt of owning my own business, my own boutique style thrift store that carries clothing, accessories, odds and ends. I am a Kittian by birth, born on the Caribbean Island of St. Kitts. I moved to the United States to persue my dreams of becoming a Fashion Designer and to one day having my very own boutique. I received an Associate Degree in Fashion Design from Bauder College, in Atlanta, Georgia. Those, two years of study enabled me, to become more aware of the intricate workings of putting fabrics together, to create ‘eye popping’ results. As, I have gotten older and have aquired more experiences, I have become more passionate for the beautiful things in this world: clothing, art, colors, shapes, all types of materials be they man-made or from nature. I am amazed at the way the created garment fits the curves of the person wearing it; if the intention was to be form fitting. Or, how it flows so beautifully; if it was ment to be loose. It is the same feelings that I have, when it comes to accessories for the home, such as figurines, wall hangings, furniture pieces or accessories for women and men, to compliment their outfits.
My goal, in opening IPOP17, IMPERFECT PIECES OF PERFECTION 17 store is to open up the eyes of my customers, to the beauty in everything, no matter how imperfect they may seem. To assist, my customers in making smart choices, when it comes to spending their money. A happy customer is a loyal customer.